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Manifesting While Stressed

Writer's picture: Bre BrownBre Brown

Hello my beautiful souls!

Welcome back to the Modern Manifestation blog. Feel free to listen in to today's topic in the podcast.

Today we are jumping into a topic that was inspired by Amy, who reached out on Instagram and asked, “How can you manifest when you’re stressed, anxious, or worried? Do you have any tips for dealing with this negativity?”

I am so thankful for this question.

I used to think that the goal of manifestation was to get rid of negative thoughts and emotions. To thrive in a world where everything was positive and I was always optimistic. To chase away any negativity. I even talked about methods to help you do this in this blog.

Well, I was wrong. I’ve learned better since then.

Negative thoughts and emotions aren’t bad, but we’ve turned them into the bad guy. So much so, that the fear and anxiety we have around negative thoughts and emotions are doing a lot of us more harm than good; creating resistance.

But our negative thoughts aren’t the villain in our story. They’re feedback. They could be feedback that you’re stuck in a trauma loop, that you need to make changes, that you need to set boundaries, that you need a break, that you need to focus on self care, or any number of things. Our negative thoughts give us information.

When we stress about our stress, we perpetuate our fear and allow it to compound. Work stress turns into fear that you’re impacting your ability to manifest, and then you’re mad at yourself for letting this happen, and then the scenario snowballs into a really big issue. When initially, you were only stressed about work...

Stress is okay,  anxiety is okay.

Even the healthiest and happiest people in the world deal with these emotions.

Stress isn’t going to keep you from having the life that you want, so don’t worry about the negative thoughts and emotions. That’s just creating more resistance.

Our negative thoughts aren’t the villain in our story. They’re feedback. It could be feedback that you’re stuck in a trauma loop, that you need to make changes, that you need to set boundaries, that you need a break, that you need to focus on self care, or any number of things. Our negative thoughts give us information.

Our negative thoughts tell us that something isn’t in alignment with where we want to be or where we want to go.

We can take this information and make healthy changes. Overtime, the negativity will change. Maybe it evolves into something else or the situation goes away. We don’t need to fear our stress and/or negativity.

It’s important to recognize that we’re experiencing negativity and it’s impacting our mental health. Maybe we then take that information and decide we need a rest day, more play, or maybe you decide that you need to f*** off for a week! All of this is valuable information.

And, sometimes our negative thoughts and emotions are habitual. When they’re habitual, self correcting and choosing to rephrase our thoughts in a more positive way, is very helpful. This is what I talk about when I talk about recreating new neural pathways to help you default to a more healthy mindset overall.

For many years, I was stuck in a cyclical pessimistic attitude. I didn’t necessarily have more stressors, but I always defaulted to being disassociated, pessimistic, and unhappy in certain situations. This is an example of a habitual response. This negativity is still informative, but it’s also repetitive.

If you notice this happening for yourself, you can self correct and choose to rephrase thoughts and emotions in a more positive way.

It can be nice to let go of old habits that don’t serve us. We can embrace our negative thoughts and still be a healthy Manifester.

Even so, negative thoughts will always visit us. When they do, notice them. What are they trying to tell you? Is there any relevant information you could observe from them? Do you need to change direction? How can you get closer to what you DO want?

Our negative thoughts can be both helpful and habitual; both bad habits and feedback.

They can be telling us we need a break, we need to soothe our nervous system, we need to set a boundary, we need to “sit with the shit”, etc.

So don’t ignore these negative thoughts and emotions because they’re either telling us something, or they want to be acknowledged.

It is healthy for us to experience our negative thoughts and emotions when they come. To resist suppressing or repressing these feelings—masking the situation.

When it comes to manifestation, don’t fear negative thoughts and emotions because they won’t dramatically impact your life as long as they’re dealt with in a healthy and appropriate way.

And when we’re ready to move on, know that our positive thoughts and emotions carry more weight…

Your positive thoughts are so much more powerful. They’re going to vibrate so much higher, so when you’re ready, you will immediately be right back on track for your manifestation goals. Your negative emotions will not cost you your dreams as long as you’re working through them.

So if you are stressed about your negative thoughts and emotions, remind yourself of this post. Rage journal, do some breath work, meditate, and move through these feelings.

Tips for Managing Stress & Negativity While Manifesting

Here are some tools that help me feel my emotions and move on:

  • Rage journaling

  • Somatic work (describe how the emotions looks, feels, etc.)

  • Breath work

  • Meditating

  • EFT

  • Exercise

Hopefully this gives you a great place to start managing your emotions and relieves any concerns you may have while you’re stressed.

Thank you for hanging out with me today. I will catch you in the next post!

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